Fold a piece of paper in half and then half again. Make a cut (any kind) across the folded corner.
Before you open it, draw and name the shape you think the hole will be!
Leadership support....
Strong leadership in mathematics, and indeed any subject, has a huge impact in all classrooms in ensuring high pupil achievement.
The role of the subject leader carries three main strands:-
✓Modeling outstanding practice in classroom teaching, demonstrating secure subject knowledge and ensuring enthusiastic and confident learning
✓Insightful knowledge of current strengths and weaknesses in mathematics attainment, achievement and teaching across the school
✓Planning for high achievement, through informed and achievable development plans and clear success criteria
I can support subject leaders in:-
✓clarification of their job description
✓action planning
✓interpreting assessment and progress data
✓monitoring mathematics teaching and learning
✓preparing for a ‘deep dive’
✓reporting to outside agencies and other stakeholders
✓building creative learning in mathematics
✓building a culture of action research, analysis and reflection
Janine Blinko
07909 984751