A taster......
Lesson study and lesson research....
Reflective lesson study and action research are a highly effective way to develop teaching and learning.
Lesson Study is a non-judgmental reflection on lessons and learning.
The advantages can include:
•greater cohesion in the teaching and learning of mathematics across the school
•improved subject knowledge
•more effective planning
•deeper reflection on efficacy of lessons
•better collaboration in teaching
•greater engagement of learners
All participants in a Lesson Study cycle:
✓jointly observe a lesson
✓participate in a post lesson discussion to reflect, at length, about the observations of learning
Some participants will also:
✓engage in shared detailed research and planning with colleagues
✓teach one lesson with observers
Teacher researchers:
✓explore an aspect of mathematics to deepen understanding and improve teaching
Janine Blinko
07909 984751
You need whole strips, half strips, quarter strips and a spinner which says, 0, 1/2, 1/4, 1/4.
Take turns with a partner to spin.
the winner is the player who has 3 complete strips.